EOF while reading packet – connection failed


I use cyberduck for SFTP my website files to the server. Dreamhost is the server.

In setting up a new bookmark in cyberduck I received this error "Connection failed – EOF while reading packet." [end of file]

The website is up and working fine, http://ce-t.org

Initially I thought this error had to do with the connection opening with cyberduck. So I setup a different bookmark to test and was able to do without a problem.

I have also deleted my first attempt to setup and reset up. This did not alter anything.

Now after doing more reading, may be in one of the website files?

As you can see i am a novice.

Help appreciated.

Best Answer

Usually when I run into this issue, its because my pw has expired.

Try SSHing into the server and change/update your pw. After I change it, I can FTP in.

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