Error #2048 Security sandbox violation – cannot load data


I get the below error when i am trying to make a java call from flex.

[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"
faultDetail="Channel.Security.Error error
Error #2048: Security sandbox violation:
'' cannot
load data from

When i tried running the same in my local tomcat server, this was working fine. But when hosted as a site, i am getting this error. I tried placing the crossdomain.xml file in the root directory too. But the error would never go. crossdomain file is like below.


<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all" />

<allow-access-from domain="*"  to-ports="*"/> 


The logs says this

Connection to
halted – not permitted from

has anyone faced a similar problem in hosting a flex site?

Best Answer

Take a look you have a different domains and http://sample:8080/.

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