Error 550 occurred by deploying via MSdeploy.exe


For ASP.NET project MSBuild gives some files in E:\Build such as:

  • TestProjectA.deploy.cmd
  • TestProjectA.SetParameters.xml
  • TestProjectA.SourceManifest.xml

To deploy from Windows 7 to Windows Server 2008 R2 (IIS 7)

Executing command gives following error message:


C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3>msdeploy.exe -verb:sync  -source:contentPath='E:\Build'  -dest:contentPath='ra/files-to-pub',ComputerName="https://<IP>:8172/msdeploy.axd?site=ra",UserName='DEV\Administrator',Password='MyPassword',AuthType='Basic' -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule -whatif -allowUntrusted

Error Message:

Info: Using ID 'd1bbee7a-e940-4be1-b41d-1847b3e7022d' for connections to the remote server.
More Information: Could not connect to the remote computer ("[IP ADDRESS]") using the specified process ("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the remote computer.
Learn more at:
Error: The remote server returned an error: (550).
Error count: 1

Given link suggest to do:

  • Ping the remote machine. *STATUS-OK
  • The msdepsvc or wmsvc service is started on the remote server. *STATUS-OK
  • Firewall is not blocking incoming connections of your ports on the destination. If it used the default installation, then it would be 80 for msdepsvc and 8172 for wmsvc. *STATUS-OK

Both of service are running at target server:

  • Web Management Services
  • Web Deployment Agent Service

What can do now to solve it?

Best Answer

If you have checked the basic stuff like

And have tried the steps mentioned here

And it still didn't work then may I suggest troubleshooting using Web Management Service Failed Request Tracing