Excel 2013 pivot table count sums greater than and less than

excelpivot table

I have a large spreadsheet in Excel 2013 with student records. Each row corresponds to one student registered in one course. The spreadsheet spans 5 years of student records. I am trying to create a pivot table that shows me the distinct count of students who have 6 or more courses as well as those with fewer than 6 courses.

One row has the following fields (and many more):
Academic Year
Course ID
Calculated Field (as

The pivot table will count unique student courses (ie. John Doe in Course A). I have a calculated field in my main data that combines Academic Year (ex. 2015), student number (ex. 345987) and Course ID (ex. 195100) into a field like AY2015SN345987CS195100. So, if student 345987 takes 7 different courses in 2015, I want that to count as 7. Then I create my pivot table with rows: Academic Year and Student Number; Values are Distinct Count of Calculated Field

I have created a pivot table that calculates all distinct student courses into something like this:

Year             # of Students
+2015            501
+2014            640
+2013            465

If I expand my pivot table a bit more to individual student number rows, it looks like this:

Year            # of Students
2015            501
345987          7
123765          5

I can also create a value filter (i.e. distinct count of courses is greater than or equal to 6) applied to the Student Number, so I meet one of my criteria (ex. 6 or more) into something like this:

Year            6 or More
2015            356
2014            458
2013            290

I can also filter and get those with less than 6 courses.

However, what I really want is to show the distinct count of those students that have 6 or more courses in one year and the distinct count of those students that have less than 6 courses into a single pivot table.

The final product would look something like one of these:

Year 6 or More Less than 6
2015 356 145
2014 458 182
2013 290 175

Best Answer

Data summarization with greater than and less than – Excel-Formula & PivotTable

Assuming the DATA is located at range B6:D176 with the following fields as described by the user (adjust range as required):

Student : Student Number

Year : Academic Year

Course ID

Key : Calculated Field

Objectives :

  1. Classify within each year in the database the student population in two groups:

    a. Students with 6 or more courses

    b. Students with less than 6 courses

  2. Summarize both groups for each year, showing for every year and each group the total of students and total of student\courses

I’m not sure that all calculations needed can be performed by a PivotTable, therefore I propose to use working fields to do the calculations then a PivotTable to summarize the results.

Working Fields :

Key : Let’s take out of this calculation the Course Id in order to have a field that contains the Year\Student combination. Enter this formula in E7 then copy till last record


AY.SN.CS.Cnt : Count of Year\Student\Course. Enter this formula in F7 then copy till last record


AY.SN.Cnt : Count of Year\Student. Enter this formula in G7 then copy till last record


AY.SN.CS >= 6 : Quantity of records for Year\Student with 6 or more courses. Enter this formula in H7 then copy till last record


AY.SN.CS < 6 : Quantity of records for Year\Student with less than 6 courses. Enter this formula in I7 then copy till last record


AY.SN >= 6 : Quantity of Students with 6 or more courses in a Year. Enter this formula in J7 then copy till last record


AY.SN < 6 : Quantity of Students with less than 6 courses in a Year. Enter this formula in K7 then copy till last record


enter image description here

Fig. 1

The working fields can be hidden if it’s preferable to the user

Then create a PivotTable as per figure below

enter image description here

Fig. 2

The PivotTable reads that in Year 2015 there are:

  • 3 Students with 6 or more courses AY.SN >= 6 and a total of 22 courses AY.SN.CS >= 6
  • 3 Students with less than 6 courses AY.SN < 6 and a total of 10 courses AY.SN.CS < 6
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