Excel – ADODB.Connection undefined


Reference Excel VBA to SQL Server without SSIS

After I got the above working, I copied all the global variables/constants from the routine, which included

    Const CS As String = "Driver={SQL Server};" _
                       & "Server=****;" _
                       & "Database=****;" _
                       & "UID=****;" _
                       & "PWD=****"
    Dim DB_Conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim Command As ADODB.Command
    Dim DB_Status As String

into a similar module in another spreadsheet. I also copied into the same module

Sub Connect_To_Lockbox()
    If DB_Status <> "Open" Then
        Set DB_Conn = New Connection
        DB_Conn.ConnectionString = CS
        DB_Conn.Open  ' problem!
        DB_Status = "Open"
    End If
End Sub

I added the same reference (ADO 2.8)

The first spreadsheet still works; the seccond at DB_Conn.Open pops up "Run-time error '-214767259 (80004005)': [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
Removing the references on both, saving files, re-opening, re-adding the references doesn't help. The one still works and the other gets the error.


Best Answer

I observed the same error message and in my case nothing had changed. I wondered if my odbc driver needed to be reinstalled (based on what i read online). In any case, restarting excel did the trick. Sometimes the solution is much simpler. :-)

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