Excel – Cannot delete a chart series using VBA in Excel 2010


I have a VBA macro written in Excel 2003 which has worked perfectly well in Excel 2003 and 2007. However, it falls over in Excel 2010 and I cannot tell why.

The macro updates the series in a chart after the user has added or removed data. The first step (after data validation) is to delete all but the first series in the chart.

'clear all chart series except for series 1
Do While theChart.SeriesCollection.Count > 1

Execution halts in the very first iteration of the loop, with the error dialog "Method 'delete' of object 'series' failed."

I thought perhaps the object model had changed in Excel 2010, so I used the macro recorder to record the action of deleting a series:

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Plant Feed").Activate

Running the recorded macro (with Series 3 re-instated obviously) stops on the second line with "Method 'select' of object 'series' failed."

I then added an object variable and some msgbox lines to try to debug the problem:

Dim theSeries As Series
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Plant Feed").Activate
MsgBox (ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3).Name)
Set theSeries = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(3)
MsgBox (theSeries.Name)

The object variable sets correctly and the message boxes give the right output, but it still falls over on theSeries.delete.

Finally, I repeated all of the above using a brand new chart created in Excel 2010, just in case it was a legacy problem from 2003, but I got the same error.

I am tearing my hair out. I've searched on line for solutions to no avail, which is what led me to this Stack Overflow site. I would appreciate any help that anyone can offer.



Best Answer

Have you tried it this way instead?

For x = theChart.SeriesCollection.Count To 2 Step -1
Next x
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