Excel – Changing the location of an existing VBA Reference from C:\Windows\system32\ to a shared drive


I've been trying for a while now to get a reference file to be loaded externally to no avail.

To be specific I am trying to load a "Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0(SP4)" which usually resides in C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCT2.OCX

However some people that run a macro containing this element don't have that "MSCOMCT2.OCX" file on their PCs so I thought I will move the MSCOMCT2.OCX to a shared location and reference the code to use the shared one instead (so everyone will have access to it)

I tried doing that but when I was trying to load a reference with "Browse" from a different location it didn't load it – because I already had that in C:..

So I thought OK… I will remove the file from C:\ so I can only reference the shared file. – so I deleted it.
So I open the workbook again and look at references – I cant find "Microsotft Windows Common Controls-2.6.0(SP4)" – great!
And I proceed to add it manually with Browse from the shared drive.
When I do that however 2 references of "Microsotft Windows Common Controls-2.6.0(SP4)" are being added – 1 from C:\(which is not there) and 1 from the shared drive.

Reference automatically added from C:\

Reference also added from Shared drive

The one from C:\ is always automatically selected.
If I try to disable the one from C:\ and enable the one from the shared drive it automatically changes back to what it was when i press OK.
If I try to enable both – it says duplicate References and keeps only the one from C:\

So.. does anybody know how can I get rid of that C:\ reference from the list so it doesn't get loaded? Apparently deleting the files themselves did not work.
Ultimately my goal is to enable people without C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCT2.OCX file to be able to use my Date Picker Tool.

Thanks a lot!

Best Answer

ActiveX control rereferences are always GUID-based. The VB IDE shows you the current location of the file as listed in the registry on your computer, as a courtesy, but it really doesn't matter what it says. The control will be loaded from wherever it was registered on the user's computer.

That's the key: the control must be registered on the user's computer.

I must strongly discourage you from doing what you're trying to do. You might be able to concoct a method by which you load the DLL from a network location, but it presents no advantage over doing the Right Thing(TM), and plenty of problems. The Right Thing is simply that if you need that control, you must distribute and register it with your application, just like everybody else does. And you really should install it in the recommended location for it (System32); not on the network.

Here's a quick example of what can go wrong: you provide your user with you app, and it works with the control on the network like you want it. Then the user installs another application that happens to need the same control. The app's installer sees that the control is already registered on the user's computer, so it doesn't try to add it again. Except that this particular app is intended to be used when the user is not connected to a network. Now you just broke someone else's program.

The VB/VBA architecture was never intended to support XCOPY deployment. I'm know it's a pain and that these extra steps are extremely inconvenient when you're just trying to deploy a "macro". Sadly, it's the nature of the beast. I'm sorry

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