Excel – Detect non empty last cell location using Excel VBA


enter image description here

In my Excel sheet, I have VBA code to detect the last non-empty cell in Column A and add incremental serial number value in that cell (in below example cell A6 value should be SN104).

This processing is limited only to Column A, and in this image example first non-empty last cell is at A6, sometimes it can be after 100 cells or 1000 cells.

Is there any simple way to handle this scenario?

Best Answer

Public Function GetLastCell(ByVal startRng as Range) as Range

    With startRng
        Set GetLastCell = IIf(.Offset(1).Value = "", .Offset(0), .End(xlDown))
    End With

End Function

For your example, you can define a Range variable rng, and call the above function in this way:

Dim rng as Range
Set rng = GetLastCell( Range("A1") )

Then rng is referring to the last cell of Column A

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