Excel – How to copy only a single worksheet to another workbook using vba


I have 1 WorkBook("SOURCE") that contains around 20 Sheets.
I want to copy only 1 particular sheet to another Workbook("TARGET") using Excel VBA.

Please note that the "TARGET" Workbook doen't exist yet. It should be created at runtime.

Methods Used –

1) Activeworkbook.SaveAs <— Doesn't work. This will copy all the sheets. I want only specific sheet.

Best Answer

I have 1 WorkBook("SOURCE") that contains around 20 Sheets. I want to copy only 1 particular sheet to another Workbook("TARGET") using Excel VBA. Please note that the "TARGET" Workbook doen't exist yet. It should be created at runtime.

Another Way

Sub Sample()
    '~~> Change Sheet1 to the relevant sheet
    '~~> This will create a new workbook with the relevant sheet

    '~~> Save the new workbook
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Target.xlsx", FileFormat:=51
End Sub

This will automatically create a new workbook called Target.xlsx with the relevant sheet

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