Excel – How to extract groups of numbers from a string in vba


I have a string of the following shape:

RRP 90 AVE DE GAULLE 92800 PUTEAUX 0109781431-0149012126

The numbers might be seperated by other chars than hyphens (eg spaces). I know how to differentiate them afterwards with len().

I need every string of numbers to be stored seperately (in an array for example), so that I can discriminate them with len() and then use them.

I have found how to strip the characters away from the string :
How to find numbers from a string?

But it doesn't suit my problem…

Could you direct me to a function or bit of code that could help me with that?

Best Answer

This will run much faster than looping

Public Function NumericOnly(s As String) As String
    Dim s2 As String
    Dim replace_hyphen As String
    replace_hyphen = " "
    Static re As RegExp
    If re Is Nothing Then Set re = New RegExp
    re.IgnoreCase = True
    re.Global = True
    re.Pattern = "[^0-9 -]" 'includes space, if you want to exclude space "[^0-9]"
    s2 = re.Replace(s, vbNullString)
    re.Pattern = "[^0-9 ]"
    NumericOnly = re.Replace(s2, replace_hyphen)
End Function