Excel – How to remove the characters


How do I remove special characters and alphabets in a string ?

 qwert1234*90)!  ' this might be my cell value

I have to convert it to

 123490  ' I mean I have to remove everything but keep only the numbers in string

but it should allow spaces !

 qwe123 4567*. 90  ' String with spaces
 123 4567 90     ' output should be

I found the Replace – but writing a replace for each character makes my code big. Well let me tell you clearly without hiding anything from you:

  1. input: qwe123 4567*. 90 ' String with spaces cells(1,"A").value
  2. My idea to do these next: 123 4567 90 ' remove characters first keeping white spaces
  3. final output in A1:A3


(for every space it should insert row and fill that)

Could you tell me how do remove all characters except numbers and spaces in string?

Thanks In advance

Best Answer

You need to use a regular expression.

See this example:

Option Explicit

Sub Test()
    Const strTest As String = "qwerty123 456 uiops"
    MsgBox RE6(strTest)
End Sub

Function RE6(strData As String) As String
    Dim RE As Object, REMatches As Object

    Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
    With RE
        .MultiLine = False
        .Global = True
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Pattern = "([0-9]| )+"   
    End With

    Set REMatches = RE.Execute(strData)
    RE6 = REMatches(0)

End Function

Pattern = "([0-9]| )+" will match any 0 or more group (+) containing a number ([0-9]) or (|) a space ().

Some more info on the regexp:

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