Not a valid Office Add In


I developed a new Office 2007 addin using VS 2008 and VSTO. after this I go to
Office->Excel Options->AddIns->COM AddIns and GO… If I select the .dll which I ve created I get the error

'<path>' is not a valid Office Add In.

If I run it using the Visual Studio 2008 at my development machine, it works fine and I see the add-in.

I searched so many posts but didn't get a solution.

Best Answer

Excel kept rejecting the Add-In, so the solution for me was doing it directly via the registry.

Save the below text as a .reg file, replace the Manifest path and FriendlyName to suit your PROJECT and double click the reg file to add the key to the Registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Description"="PROJECTExcelAddIn - Excel add-in for PROJECT."