Excel picture tools format vba


In excel & word 2007 there is a picture tools tab that shows up in the ribbon when you insert a picture or clip art and there is the smart art. Is there a way to manipulate these objects and settings (e.g. transparency, position, effects etc) in vba. A macro doesn't seem to work for me either.

Best Answer

I know that in Excel VBA (my experience is prior than 2007), you could manipulate many aspects of images via the Shape object. A good way to explore the Shape object is to record a macro while you try to manipulate the image and then look at the VBA code it created to see what you did. This doesn't always work perfectly, but it's a great way to start.

Also, you might be interested in checking out the answer I gave to a related question about moving images between cells in Excel .

I'm not sure how many aspects of an image you can manipulate just with the Shape object, but it's worth taking a look.