Excel Pivot Table Calculated Field

excelpivot table

I've a simple table with some amounts by date and product name.

Month | Product | Amount
05-'12| Prod A  | 10     
05-'12| Prod A  | 3      
05-'12| Prod B  | 4      
05-'12| Prod C  | 13     
05-'12| Prod C  | 5      

From this table I've derived a Pivot table with SUM(Amount) displayed as % of column total.

Month | Product | SUM of Amount
05-'12| Prod A  | 28.89%           
05-'12| Prod B  | 8.89%        
05-'12| Prod C  | 62.22%

So far So good… Now I want to add an extra column to my Pivot table which gives me the outcome of the percent values in the sum amount field times 1000.
Adding a calculated value =SUM(Amount)*1000 is not giving me the right values. Excel gives me.

Month | Product | SUM of Amount | Field 1 
05-'12| Prod A  | 28.89%         | 13,000                     
05-'12| Prod B  | 8.89%          | 4,000                 
05-'12| Prod C  | 62.22%         | 28,00                  

It isn’t taking the percent values but the sums of the amounts and times that by 1000.
I could do a simply formula outside of the pivot table but the lines of the table move around a lot so it would be better to have it done inside the table.
How to achieve this?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

The values you get are the actual sums time 1000. To get what you want, you need to simply give the figures from the first column the appropriate format (*1000). This you can achieve via #'%%%%, however this does display a lot of percentage signs, where only one would be sufficient.

Alternatively just store the Percentage that each entry contributes in the data and use that.