Excel – Reading Data using OLEDB from opened Excel File


I have an excel file(Lets' say File X) with 2 sheets. In first sheet I display charts. Second I have data for the chart. In order to get data from chart, I need to process that data as we do in SQL like Group by, order by. Is there any way I can use oledb to read data from second sheet using VBA code in same excel file(file X)?


Best Answer

Here's an example of using SQL to join data from two ranges: it will work fine if the file is open (as long as it has been saved, because you need a file path).

Sub SqlJoin()

    Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim oRS As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sPath
    Dim sSQL As String

    sSQL = "select a.blah from <t1> a, <t2> b where a.blah = b.blah"

    sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "<t1>", Rangename(Sheet1.Range("A1:A5")))
    sSQL = Replace(sSQL, "<t2>", Rangename(Sheet1.Range("C1:C3")))

    If ActiveWorkbook.Path <> "" Then
      sPath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
      MsgBox "Workbook being queried must be saved first..."
      Exit Sub
    End If

    oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='" & sPath & "';" & _
                 "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1';"

    oRS.Open sSQL, oConn

    If Not oRS.EOF Then
        Sheet1.Range("E1").CopyFromRecordset oRS
        MsgBox "No records found"
    End If


End Sub

Function Rangename(r As Range) As String
    Rangename = "[" & r.Parent.Name & "$" & _
                r.Address(False, False) & "]"
End Function