Excel “Refresh All” with OpenXML


I have an excel 2007 file (OpenXML format) with a connection to an xml file. This connection generates an excel table and pivot charts.

I am trying to find a way with OpenXML SDK v2 to do the same as the "Refresh All" button in Excel. So that I could automatically update my file as soon as a new xml file is provided.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Well there is quite good workaround for this. Using OpenXML you can turn on "refresh data when opening the file" option in pivot table (right click on pivot table->PivotTable Options->Data tab). This result in auto refresh pivot table when user first opens spreadsheet. The code:

  using (var document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(newFilePath, true))
            var uriPartDictionary = BuildUriPartDictionary(document);

            PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart pivotTableCacheDefinitionPart1 = (PivotTableCacheDefinitionPart)uriPartDictionary["/xl/pivotCache/pivotCacheDefinition1.xml"]; 
            PivotCacheDefinition pivotCacheDefinition1 = pivotTableCacheDefinitionPart1.PivotCacheDefinition;
            pivotCacheDefinition1.RefreshOnLoad = true;               

you need to determine "path" to yours pivotCacheDefinition - use OpenXML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool to look for it.

BuildUriPartDictionary is a standard method generated by OpenXML SDK 2.0 Productivity Tool

protected Dictionary<String, OpenXmlPart> BuildUriPartDictionary(SpreadsheetDocument document)
        var uriPartDictionary = new Dictionary<String, OpenXmlPart>();
        var queue = new Queue<OpenXmlPartContainer>();
        while (queue.Count > 0)
            foreach (var part in queue.Dequeue().Parts.Where(part => !uriPartDictionary.Keys.Contains(part.OpenXmlPart.Uri.ToString())))
                uriPartDictionary.Add(part.OpenXmlPart.Uri.ToString(), part.OpenXmlPart);
        return uriPartDictionary;

Another solution is to convert your spreadsheet to macroenabled, embed there a VBA script that will refresh all pivot tables. This can happen on button click or again when user opens spreadsheet. Here you can find VBA code to refresh pivot tables: http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/pivot-table-refresh.htm

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