Excel – Run-Time error ‘32809’: Application-defined or object-defined error



I just upgraded to Excel 2013 and am running into a strange issue. I have a macro-enabled workbook that has worked successfully for quite some time now. I was updating some of the code and came across this error (32809) when trying to write to a specific sheet. In troubleshooting, I tried this.

Sheets("Summary").Range("G8").Value = "Test"

This resulted in the same error. Then I tried this.

Debug.Print ActiveSheet.Name

Same error. So I selected another sheet on the workbook and debug.print on the name. Worked fine.

Then I tried this.

Debug.Print Sheets(2).Name (This is the sheet number of the problemic sheet)

Same error. It seems to me that there is some form of corruption with this sheet but I am reticent about deleting and recreating. Any suggestions?


Best Answer

While it wasn't a perfect solution, here is how I finally resolved it. I had a user that was still on Excel 2010 make a copy the corrupt sheet within the same workbook, delete the corrupt sheet, then rename the new sheet to the original name. I was then able to use the workbook in Excel 2013 without issue.

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