Excel – VBA: cannot automatically recalculate Excel formula after updating it — needs manual interaction


In VBA, I am updating the formula in a cell (which works ok), but automatic recalculation does not work:

updated_formula = "=COUNT(Sheet1!A3:A" & nr_points & ")"
Cells(x, y).Formula = updated_formula
Cells(x, y).Calculate

The formula simply counts the number of existing rows in another sheet. When I run the macro, the cell's value in the function textfield is correct, but in the cell itself I have "#NAME?" and I need to press ENTER in the function to recalculate the formula.

Am I expecting too much of Excel? Or am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: Screenshot of the situation — this is what I see after running the macro.
(Sorry for the black censoring, have to maintain anonimity for the client company)

enter image description here

Best Answer

After seeing your screenshot, it became clear.


Cells(x, y).Formula = updated_formula


Cells(x, y).FormulaLocal = updated_formula

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