Excel – vba Vlookup across workbooks


I seem to have an error in the below syntax line. I believe the issue lies with range parameter of workbook book1. I cannot figure out why. Basically I'm tring to vlookup across 2 workbooks.

The code is invoked from workbook – book1. Just before this line of code workbook – book2 is activated. Both the workbooks are open. I captured the error code 2015 by replacing the left side with a variant variable.

I appreciate any help with this vlookup issue. Thanks.

 Cells(j, c + 2).value = [VLookup(workbooks(book2).sheets(5).range(Cells(j, c + 1)), workbooks(book1).sheets(4).range(cells(row1+2,1),cells(row2,col1)), 3, false)]

Best Answer

You've provided only a snippet of code, but first things first let's make sure you have all the variables defined. I have also added a few more to simplify and possibly help trap errors.

Sub VlookMultipleWorkbooks()
Dim lookFor as String
Dim srchRange as Range
Dim book1 as Workbook
Dim book2 as Workbook

'Set some Workbook variables:
Set book1 = Workbooks("Book 1 Name") '<edit as needed
Set book2 = Workbooks("Book 2 Name") '<edit as needed

'Set a string variable that we will search for:
lookFor = book2.sheets(5).range(Cells(j, c + 1))

'Define the range to be searched in Book1.Sheets(4):
Set srchRange = book1.Sheets(4).Range(cells(row1+2,1).Address, cells(row2,col1).Address)

'This assumes that the Book2 is Open and you are on the desired active worksheet:
ActiveSheet.Cells(j, c + 2).value = _
         Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookFor, _
         book1.Sheets(4).Range(srchRange.Address), 3, False)

End Sub
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