Expand WAR or EAR files in jBoss AS 7


I'm deploying a WebService project into a jBoss AS7, and everything goes OK except that jBoss doesn't expand my WAR or EAR file.

Already tried copying the file to the "jboss-as-7.1.0.Final\standalone\deployments" folder and using the WebConsole, but in both cases the result was the same.

If I deploy from within Eclipse everything runs OK.

I need it to expand my file because in the application initialization I scan the class
directories looking for the correct class to instantiate using reflection.

EDIT : Don't know if this a particular situation with jBoss AS 7 or with the jBoss AS family, because I already used WebSphere and jBoss Web and both of them expanded the files.

EDIT2 : Added a System.out with the execution path


and it returns the following path


witch doesn't exist. So I did a search for the class name and fount it at


Isn't it possible to force JBoss to extract the files to the deployment folder? Or how can I get the previous path at run time.

Best Answer

Had forgotten about this question, so this is the way that I solved it:

public String getRealFilePath(String aFilePath) throws Exception
    org.jboss.vfs.VirtualFile vFile = org.jboss.vfs.VFS.getChild(aFilePath);
    URI fileNameDecodedTmp = org.jboss.vfs.VFSUtils.getPhysicalURI(vFile);

    path = fileNameDecodedTmp.getPath();
    return path;

So at runtime I just need to call getRealFilePath() with the original question values, and problem solved ;)

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