Ext JS 4 – laying out fields in a form using hbox, vbox, etc


I have a simple Ext JS 4 form inside a window (MVC style app). The example below shows 4 fields. This example is simplified, but now I need to take these fields and lay them out using hbox and vbox (and possibly others?)

How would I for example, take the first two fields and put the in a hbox at the top of the form so they display horizontally, at the top of the form, then take the rest of the fields and put them in a vbox below that hbox so they display vertically?

(my actual form has a lot more fields and I will have various other hbox/vboxes, but I am just looking to get started):

Ext.define('ESDB.view.encounter.Edit', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias : 'widget.encounteredit',
    title : 'Edit Encounter',
    layout: 'fit',
    width: 700,
    autoShow: true,

    initComponent: function() {
        this.items = [

            xtype: 'form',
            items: [
                xtype: 'displayfield',
                name: 'id',
                fieldLabel: 'ID'
                    xtype: 'displayfield',
                    name: 'cid',
                    fieldLabel: 'cid#'
                    xtype: 'displayfield',
                    name: 'addedDate',
                    fieldLabel: 'Added'
                    xtype: 'displayfield',
                    name: 'clientID',
                    fieldLabel: 'Client#'


I have looked at various examples of layout sencha page , sencha docs, and finally another one — this last one has something that looks close – in the form tree, fieldsets in 2 columns, it shows a form with items[] and inside there some layout code, and I was able to get that to partially work, but was not able to convert it to an hbox/vbox style layout. When I set it to hbox, there is no height to the hbox, so I can not see the fields.

Best Answer

Here is example:

Ext.define('ESDB.view.encounter.Edit', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias : 'widget.encounteredit',
    title : 'Edit Encounter',
    layout: 'fit',
    width: 700,
    autoShow: true,

    items: [{
        xtype: 'form',
        items: [
                xtype: 'panel',
                border: false,
                layout: 'hbox',
                items: [
                        xtype: 'displayfield',
                        name: 'id',
                        fieldLabel: 'ID',
                        flex: 0.5
                        xtype: 'displayfield',
                        name: 'cid',
                        fieldLabel: 'cid#',
                        flex: 0.5
                xtype: 'displayfield',
                name: 'addedDate',
                fieldLabel: 'Added'
                xtype: 'displayfield',
                name: 'clientID',
                fieldLabel: 'Client#'

If you want to displays blocks in form from up to down, you don't need to change layout. I've wrapped only 2 first display fields into panel with hbox layout (because you want to split only first row).

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