External Tooltip plug-in on Jqgrid


Currently i am not using any other plug in for tool tip on mouse hover of grid row. I am using

$("#list").setCell(rowid,'Name','','',{'title':'my custom tooltip on cell'});

Where the Name is the column name where the tool tip will be set and rowid identify the row. For more information read this answer including the references.

Is there any external plug in to achieve the same in better UI effect.
This tool tip does not seems to be good enough to fulfill my requirement

Best Answer

Because in the next version of jQuery UI will be included Tooltip (see demo) I recommend you better to download it now from github and a little play with it.

I prepared the demo which change the tooltip for the second column of the grid and use HTML contain with custom class (I use in demo standard ui-state-highlight class) and custom animation effect (slideUp/slideDown). So you will see about following alt text

I hope the demo will help you to implement your requirements to custom tooltips.