Facebook – Dynamically resized images for og:image ok


I use ImageResizer.net to create images to dimensions I need dynamically, based on one larger source image. It's done in a url-like fashion, like so: "www.siteUrl.com/ImagePath/ImageName.jpg?width=90&height=90&crop=auto&quality=90". This resizes the image to 90×90 pixels, cropping, and setting jpeg quality to 90%.

Will this url be acceptable to og:image , so that when someone likes/links to my content within Facebook it shows a thumbnail of the image inside the og:image property?

Best Answer

I've recently use URLs with some query string parameters for the og:image and it works fine for me.

In case you didn't know:

Facebook provides a debug tool, which allows you to check which OpenGraph meta data could be fetched from a certain domain: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug

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