Facebook-graph-api – How to get share, like, comment and total count from facebook.com/username


I would like to get share, like, comment and total count from a fan page facebook.com/username

Actually if I have a www.example.com, I can have these counts using FQL:

  • SELECT total_count, like_count, comment_count, share_count, commentsbox_count, click_count FROM link_stat WHERE url = 'http://www.example.com/'

But if I have a facebook fan page like this:


Actually I'm able only to have total count:


And like count:


How to get remaining comment_count, share_count, commentsbox_count and click_count fields?
Or at least comment_count or share_count 🙂

Best Answer

Use: https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=HuffingtonPost

Then parse the results. The response is json and you can decode that to get the number of 'likes' for example.

That is similar to what you noted, I just wanted to add the "?ids=" as that is how I ran it.

For the other information this could work:


Let me know if this resolves what you are after.

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