Facebook – How to get Facebook Profile image from email


There's an outlook plugin called Xobni that has a really cool feature, if a contact has an email address, it will fetch that contact's profile picture and display it. Their FAQ states the following:

Xobni sends an encrypted email address to Facebook to retrieve the Facebook profile for the person who is currently being viewed in the Xobni sidebar. Your own Facebook profile is never altered by Xobni, and all Facebook privacy settings are strictly followed when viewing other profiles.

I'd like to duplicate this functionality. However, I can't figure out which API call they're using. I'm assuming when they say "encrypted email address" that's laymen's terms for the email hash. Once a username is derived, the graph api looks ideal for actually fetching the image, but I'm having trouble going from email hash to profile ID.

Best Answer

You can query the following URL to get user id (if one exists on Facebook):


Then <img src="https://graph.facebook.com/USER_ID/picture"> gives you the picture.

More info: article at codinglogs.com

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