Facebook Like comment box getting cut off vertically and horizontally


I'm trying to figure out why the Facebook Like comment box is getting cropped. I've tried changing the width attribute to a much larger size than necessary. I added a height attribute to my fb:like definition even though it doesn't look like it's supported. Neither seemed to help.

I also put a "margin-top" style on the Comments element right below the fb:like element to make sure it didn't have something to do with the content below the comment box that was causing it to cut off.

You can see a screenshot of what I'm talking about here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/y2Fll.jpg

I've been grappling with this one for a while now. If anyone can offer any help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Best Answer

Make sure all parent elements have overflow: visible set in their CSS definition.

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