Facebook – Link web page, Facebook Like button, and Facebook fan page


Is this possible?

  • When someone clicks a Facebook Like button, he/she shares the web page URL with friends on Facebook.

  • With the same click, the user also becomes a fan of the web site's Facebook fan page.


Best Answer

While adding a Like button on your website to like you "Facebook Page" is possible (and I guess you know that), you can't use the same button to like multiple entities (your current page and the Facebook Page).

What you can do is:

  1. Have two Like buttons, one for the current page and one for the Facebook Page
  2. Place the Like button of your Facebook Page in a "visible" location (e.g. on top of the sidebar)
  3. Capture the like event of your current page (with edge.create)
  4. Encourage the user to "Become a Fan on Facebook too" whenever they like your current page.
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