Facebook – Load profile image from Facebook with Actionscript 3


I'm trying to load profile images (friend images) from Facebook with AS3 but I seem to be running into a security issue.

I'm currently using the "official" Adobe Facebook API for Actionscript 3 which works fine. However, I seem to be having trouble loading profile images when running my application in a browser. The images load fine when running in the Flash IDE.

The images are being loaded from https://graph.facebook.com and there seems to be a crossdomain.xml policy on that domain:

<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd"> 
  <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" /> 
 <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" /> 

In other sources I found that adding a ContextLoader to my Loader object when loading the image should solve the problem but this doesn't seem to be the case either:

loader = new Loader();
// add some listeners here...
loader.load( new URLRequest( "imageurl" ), new LoaderContext(true) );

I'm not quite sure how to proceed at the moment. I was hoping that the Adobe Facebook API would provide assistance in this but I can't seem to find anything that solves this issue.

Any help greatly appreciated.


I just noticed that when I visit one of the images in a browser that I'm actually redirected to Facebook's CDN where the actual image is stored. When I hard-code the image url with the redirected URL I can load the image in the browser. It seems that this is not a security issue after all but a redirection issue.

If this is a redirection issue then the question would become; How can I have Flash Player load an image from a redirected URL?


It seems that the URLRequest class has a followRedirects property which is only available in AIR.


I'm currently using a PHP script to get me the redirected URL as a work around but this of course is far from ideal and potentially a big strain on my server.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and it looks like you have to manually load the crossdomain file of the domain you are redirected to in actionscript. For now, it looks like all facebook profile images are finally loaded from the domain http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/.

I just added this line before loading the images:


This should allow for loading the redirected images, as long as the redirect domain does not change. ;)

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