Fiddler for website running on remote machine


I need to monitor a http request and response for web site running on remote web server. The web server makes lot of web service call and would like to trace them.

If the web site was running locally, Fiddler traces every web service call request and provides me with a report. Could someone please help me with how the same is possible


If the web application is running locally and calls two web services fiddler shows the total time on statistics. However, if the web application is running on web server hosted on different web server hosted internally (intranet) and I ran fiddler on my machine, I don't get the statistics for each web service call. All I can see is the total time for the aspx page.*

So question is how (if possible) can I trace the statistics of each web services invoked by web application that's running on different machine and fiddler is running on my machine.


Best Answer

You could always use WireShark to catch all the packets, if you are on the same network as the server, that is.