Figure sizes with pandoc conversion from markdown to docx


I type a report with Rmarkdown in Rstudio. When converting it in html with knitr, there is also a markdown file produced by knitr. I convert this file with pandoc as follows :

pandoc -f markdown -t docx -o output.docx

The output.docx file is nice except for one problem: the sizes of the figures are altered, I need to manually resize the figures in Word. Is there something to do, maybe an option with pandoc, to get the right figures sizes ?

Best Answer

An easy way consists in including a scale factor k in the individual chunk options:

{r, fig.width=8*k, fig.height=6*k}

and a variable dpi in the global chunk options:

opts_chunk$set(dpi = dpi)

Then you can set the values of dpi and k before knitting the Rmd file in the global environment:

dpi <<- 96    
k <<- 1

or you can set them in a chunk in the Rmd file (set k in the first chunk for example).

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