Filter by zip code, or other location based data retrieval strategies


My little site should be pooling list of items from a table using the active user's location as a filter. Think Craigslist, where you search for "dvd' but the results are not from all the DB, they are filtered by a location you select. My question has 2 levels:

  1. should I go a-la-craigslist, and ask users to use a city level location? My problem with this is that you need to generate what seems to me a hard coded, hand made list of locations.
  2. should I go a-la-zipCode. The idea of just asking the user to type his zipcode, and then pool all items that are in the same or in a certain distance from his zip code.

I seem to prefer the zip code way as it seems more elegant solution, but how on earth do one goes about creating a DB of all zip codes and implement the function that given zip code 12345, gets all zipcodes in 1 mile distance?

this should be fairly common "task" as many sites have a need similar to mine, so I am hoping not to re-invent the wheel here.

Best Answer

Getting a Zip Code database is no problem. You can try this free one:

Although I don't know how current it is, or you can use one of many providers. We have an annual subscription to, and for maybe $100 we get monthly updates with the latest Zip Code data complete with Lat/Longs of the centroid of the zip code.

As for querying for all zips within a certain radius, you are going to need a spatial library of some sort. If you just have a table of zips with lats/longs, you will need a database-oriented mechanism. SQL Server 2008 has the capability built in, and there are open source libraries and commercial libraries that will add such capabilities to SQL Server 2005. The open source database PostgreSQL has a project, PostGIS that adds this capability to that database. It is here:

Other database platforms probably have similar projects, but those are the ones I am aware of. With one of these DB based libraries you should be able to directly query for any zip codes (or any rows of any kind that have lat/long columns) within a given radius.

If you want to go a different route you can use spatial tools with a mapping library. There are open source options here as well, such as SharpMap and many others (Google can help out) that can use the free Tiger maps for the united states as the data source. However, this route is somewhat more complicated and possibly less performant if all you need is a radius search.

Finally, you may want to look into a web service. This, as you say, is a common need, and I imagine there are any number ob web services that you can subscribe to that can provide all zip codes in a given radius from a provided zip code. A quick Google search turned up this: But there are MANY resources to be had for the searching on this subject.

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