Flash CS6 AS3 test movie in browser not working


I have a button to link URL using Flahs CS6 AS3.
When I test it in Flash Professional,(Cntl+Enter) it worked, but when I test in Browser (F12) the button is not working.
also when I open swf file it self, it is not working as well.
Only works when it export from Fla file (using Cntl+Enter), but not opening acutal swf file from the folder)

the code is this – and I think this one is ok, because it working when exported (Cntl+Enter)

function gotoAuthorPage(event:MouseEvent):void

  var targetURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.google.com/"); 

  my_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAuthorPage);

Does anybody know why this happening and how can I make it work in browser, and swf file…
please help!


Best Answer

When you ctrl+enter from Flash, your SWF is executing in projector.

Make sure your publish settings enable network access from "local playback security":


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