Flutter – How to always show hint in text field not only when it is clicked in flutter


login screen

I have a custom text field but as shown in the picture, the bottom text fields looks so vague and empty, I'd like to keep the hint showing even if the field is not focused, how do I achieve that in flutter?

here is my widget code:

                    margin: EdgeInsets.all(20),
                    child: TextFormField(
                      autofocus: true,
                      textAlign: TextAlign.right,
                      decoration: InputDecoration(
                          enabledBorder: const OutlineInputBorder(
                            borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Color(0xff0E9447), width: 2.0),
                          focusedBorder: const OutlineInputBorder(
                            borderSide: const BorderSide(color: Color(0xff0E9447), width: 2.0),
                          hintText: AppStrings.email,
                          labelText: AppStrings.email,
                          alignLabelWithHint: true,

                          hintStyle: TextStyle(color: AppColors.primaryColorLight),

Best Answer

If you would like the label to be visible at the top of the TextField, and the hint displayed at the same time you can simply add:

floatingLabelBehavior: FloatingLabelBehavior.always

to the TextFields InputDecoration (decoration).

(At the time of writing this, there is a bug that will only show the hint and suffix upon focus, this has been fixed in a very recent PR and will be available shortly, see GitHub issue)

Full Example

      controller: textController,
      style: theme.textTheme.bodyText2,
      keyboardType: keyboardType ?? TextInputType.number,
      enableInteractiveSelection: false,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
          labelText: labelText,
          labelStyle: theme.textTheme.headline6,
          suffixText: suffixText ?? '',
          border: OutlineInputBorder(
                BorderSide(color: theme.textTheme.bodyText2.color, width: 2),
          hintText: '0.0',
          floatingLabelBehavior: FloatingLabelBehavior.always),
      validator: (value) {
        if (value.isEmpty) {
          return 'Please enter some text';
        return null;
      onChanged: (String text) => onChange(text),
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