Form tag inside master page and content page

I have one master page and several content pages , I need to put a form tag inside a master page to handle sending data from my html elements and do this for my content pages as well .but I need to understand what is the best way to structure for such this scenario and what would be the effect of form tag of master page on content pages ? is it possible to put form tag in content pages when the master page has this tag inside itself ? I appreciate if I have in detail explanation ?

Best Answer

The <form runat="server"> element lives in the master page by default when you add a new one to your project; all child pages are implemented using ContentPlaceHolders.

For example, the master page: -

<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server">


You can have as many ContentPlaceHolders as you need (often only one is needed though). If you then add a "child page using master page", the page-specific content is added inside the relevant <asp:Content> element - these are added by default once you have specified the master page to use when adding a "child page using master page": -

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

  <!-- your markup, controls etc.. -->


Have a read of the MSDN docs for more -

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