Get current url of the page (used URL Rewrite)


I am working on classic asp application.
I have use URL rewrite on some pages.

How can i get current url of the page in classic asp?

Example: —> url rewrite in IIS —>

so here i want current url of the page which is

Please help me.

Best Answer

There's no fancy one function that does it all.

First you need to get the protocol (if it is not always http):

Dim protocol
Dim domainName
Dim fileName
Dim queryString
Dim url

protocol = "http" 
If lcase(request.ServerVariables("HTTPS"))<> "off" Then 
   protocol = "https" 
End If

Now the rest with optional query string:

domainName= Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") 
fileName= Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") 
queryString= Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

url = protocol & "://" & domainName & fileName
If Len(queryString)<>0 Then
   url = url & "?" & queryString
End If

Hope it works for you.

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