Get sibling categories in category.tpl for the current category in prestashop


I need to list sibling categories in the category page in a Prestashop theme. Currently it does show the sub-categories if any but not the sibling categories.

A quick answer would really be appreciated! Thanks.

Best Answer

For to start i would have created a override file in /override/controllers/, named CategoryController.php

And add this:


class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore
    public function displayContent()
        // Get the global smarty object.
        global $smarty;

        // Get current category's parent.
        $parent_category = new Category($this->category->id_parent, self::$cookie->id_lang);

        // Get parent category's subcategories (which is current category's siblings, including it self).
        $category_siblings = $parent_category->getSubCategories((int)self::$cookie->id_lang)

        /* Assign your siblings array to smarty. */
                "category_siblings" => $category_siblings

        /* This we run the normal displayContent, but pass the siblings array to
           category.tpl */


I this the basic way to do it, i have not tested it get. You need to find a way to not list current category in the list of siblings.

If the code works you will now have an array in category.tpl named category_siblings, you now need to for example copy the code in category.tpl that outputs the subcategories and replace the subcategories arra with the category_siblings array.

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