Git – How to pull request a wiki page on GitHub


I saw a wiki page on GitHub that isn't open for editing. Then I forked the project, edited it on "my end" and tried to do a pull request. It turns out, the wiki isn't in the project, and there isn't a way to commit changes to it.

Other than e-mailing, is there a way to proceed if I want to suggest a change on the wiki in this case?

At this point I found out what seems like an alternative under "Questions with similar titles", but I couldn't do the pull request with it yet, and so I'm not sure submodules is a good way for this purpose. I now see I could probably branch it somehow… So is this the way to go?

Best Answer

GitHub doesn't support pull requests for the wiki repository, only the main repository (this is a bit of a shame, IMO, but I can understand it).

Here's an interesting way one project manages community updates to their wiki, while still keeping tight control, as for source code:

My proposed workflow is this:

  1. Manually create a fork of the Taffy wiki on your Github account:
    • Create a new repository on your github account. Let's call it "Taffy-Wiki".
    • Clone the Taffy wiki repo to your local machine somewhere: git clone
    • Remove the original "origin" remote and add your github repo as new "origin" git remote rm origin and git remote add origin<YOUR_USERNAME>/Taffy-Wiki.git
  2. Make your proposed changes locally, then push them to your github account: git push -u origin master ('-u origin master' only required the first time; afterwards just do git push)
  3. Submit a ticket to the official Taffy issue tracker requesting me to review your changes and merge them in. Please be sure to include a link to your repo and describe what you've changed.
  4. Goto #2

(From How you can contribute to Taffy documentation.)

If it were me, I'd create an issue in the main repository (that is, the one you forked) suggesting an update to the wiki. If issues aren't enabled, then email's about the only other option I can think of.