Git mergetool with Meld on Windows


In Linux, my favorite merge tool is Meld, and I've had no problems using or configuring it to work with Git. However, in Windows it has been a different story.

First, I installed Meld from a bundle I found here:

Then, I configured my .gitconfig like so to support Meld as the default mergetool

    tool = meld                                                                         

[mergetool "meld"]                                           
    path = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Meld\\meld\\meld.exe
    keepBackup = false                                   
    trustExitCode = false

So, when I have a conflict, I do git difftool and Meld does in fact open. However, the paths to the files that Git writes to pass to the diff tool is incorrect. For example, even though Git generates the BASE, LOCAL, and REMOTE files in the repository directory (the location I called git mergetool from), Meld tries to open each of those files in the directory of the executable.

Instead of opening C:\repo\roses.txt.LOCAL.2760.txt, Meld tries to open C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld\meld\roses.txt.LOCAL.2760.txt.

Has anyone ran into this before or know how to configure Git / Meld to work correctly in Windows?

Best Answer

Why do you not use git bash for Windows?

After install meld simply:

git config --global merge.tool meld
git config --global mergetool.meld.path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Meld\Meld.exe" <- path to meld here

Thats all!