Git refuses to connect without proxy


I work on a Linux system in a Windows environment. To authenticate with a NT proxy server I had setup cntlm and configured system programs to use it via setting http_proxy environment variable in the /etc/environment file.

Now I want to remove this proxy setting and have the programs connect directly.

So I unset the system environment variables:

unset http_proxy

Check ~/.gitconfig to ensure that there are no proxy entries.

Explicitly instruct git not to use any proxies:

git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy

Verify that no proxy is configured:

git config --system --get https.proxy 
git config --global --get https.proxy 
git config --system --get http.proxy 
git config --global --get http.proxy 

And then push to a remote repo:

git push

But git still tries to connect via proxy:

fatal: unable to access '': Failed
to connect to port 3128: Connection refused

Why won't it let go off cntlm?

Best Answer

The easiest check to do is:

env|grep -i proxy

The OP confirms:

I thought I had removed proxy by unset http_proxy.
But there is a different environment variable for HTTPS which needs to be unset separately. Running env|grep -i proxy revealed that.