Github – Diff syntax highlighting in Github Markdown

githubmarkdownsyntax highlighting

I'm writing documents that should explain code in C# using Markdown.

I use the ```csharp to get csharp highlighting.

I sometimes want to highlight something specific in the code using bold or anything.

I know about <pre> etc… but it takes away my csharp highlighting.

Best case scenario – some way to highlight code in the ```csharp section.

Next best thing – I can write the code as diff – using + and – to highlight stuff, but how do I tell Github to highlight diff syntax with the red and green backcolor?

Is there a way to use both diff and csharp syntax highlighting?

Best Answer

Github's markdown supports diff when formatting code. For example:

public class Hello1
   public static void Main()
-      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
+      System.Console.WriteLine("Rock all night long!");


enter image description here

and it should give you the Diff looks you are looking for, highlighting in red what has been removed and in green what has been added.