[Gitlab]Where can I find Gitlab Pages hosted on the private Gitlab instance


I tried to set up Gitlab Pages, until now I finished uploading my static website files👇

Uploading artifacts...
coverage/lcov-report: found 77 matching files      
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok            id=1038 responseStatus=201 Created token=QXJjgkf2

But I got no idea where my page hosted.

I took a glance at this documentation but it was still vague to me.

  • I have a private Gitlab instance.
  • My Gitlab entry is under http://abc.def.com (I configured a type A DNS to my host IP, a reverse proxy pointing at localhost:9000).
  • My project project1 is under my team team1.
  • I have also configured DNS http://team1.abc.def.com to , and there is a nginx reverse proxy on my server which http://team1.abc.def.com -> localhost:9000.

I assume I should see my static page available on http://team1.abc.def.com/project1 , but nothing was there. Where exactly are my pages hosted?

Best Answer

You have to activate the pages feature. In your gitlab.rb:

pages_external_url "IP_OF_YOUR_GITLAB"
gitlab_pages['enable'] = true

There is a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD8c7WNcc6s&feature=youtu.be And the complete documentation: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/administration/pages/index.html

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