How to delete a property from Google Analytics

google analytics

I want to delete a test property from Google Analytics, but there is no delete option on the property page. Does anyone know how to delete a property from Google Analytics?

Best Answer

UPDATE/EDIT – December 5, 2014 : Converted this to community wiki… feel invited to edit and update.


Google has done it again… they changed the design. But they also made things a bit simpler and more logic. Go to Administration → Property Settings and look for the Delete Property link at the right-bottom of the page. Click that link to delete the property.

Here’s a schreenshot of the current (2014-08-01) interface, pointing to the link you’re looking for…


Note that the RGB noise is not part of the Google design. I added that to protect personal information. ;)

Stop reading here…

What follows was my original answer, which has been rendered obsolete by Google’s design update on 2014-08-01. For potential reference purposes, I’ve decided to not yet remove that outdated info…

Google decided to move that feature into the View Settings. To find it, go to the "View Settings" in your Admin area…

Step 1

Then click the link to delete it…

Step 2