Google Analytics – Multiple Trackers for Several Accounts

google analytics

Maybe I'm going about this wrong, but I'm hoping I can get some insight. I develop for multiple clients nationwide. I track many of my sites using my personal/development Analytics account that tracks all the domains/profiles I work on. However, I now have marketing folks jumping into the fray, all wanting their own GA trackers installed (and some other 3rd party trackers but that's irrelevant… I think?) that are associated to their own accounts.

So, I've seen some discussion regarding entering multiple trackers into the code (and the possibility of corrupt cookies and data). Simply, is there a better way I could be going about this? I'd prefer to keep them out of my account, this way if any relationships go sour historical data can be preserved.

Am I missing something?


Best Answer

It's possible to have multiple trackers on one site, for example like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var trackerA = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X");
var trackerB = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-X");

Another option is to link multiple Google accounts to a single Google Analytics account (using the User Manager -link in the GA account overview).