Google-chrome – Chrome specific issue with z-index and flash


I'm trying to get an absolutely positioned DIV to display in front of a Flash object; I can get this to work in every browser except Chrome.

There are a couple of similar questions on here, but nothing pertaining to a problem with Chrome specifically. I've tried several of the suggested solutions, such as setting the 'wmode' param to 'transparent', and setting z-indexes for both the flash object and the div, but nothing seems to work.

To see this in action:

There is some green text: "Click here to begin", which should appear in front of the Street View panorama. In Chrome, you can see that the DIV appears in the correct position, but is then obliterated by the Flash object.

This issue is driving me nuts, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Actually, have you looked at the other 'wmode' available? I think there's a "normal" value too, which if I recall correctly will set your Flash object flat on a layer (like it should :P) in its current container.

So just make sure its within it's own DIV tag too and has a z-index setup as well.

HTML Flash embedding ain't really something I do on a daily basis (even less tested in Chrome) but hopefully this will shed some light.

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