Google-chrome – Postman Oauth 2 callback url – Chrome App


I am using The Chrome App for Postman and I am setting up my Access Tokens using OAUTH2. When I fill out the form, I am using the following:

Auth Url: https://[MY_API_URL]/api/authorize

Access Token URL: https://[MY_API_URL]/api/request/token

Client ID: xxxxxxxxxxx

Client Secret: xxxxxxxxxx

Scope: blank

Grant Type: Authorization Code

The callback url in my outh server is set to ""

When I click Request Token, I am taken to the proper Authentication page. When I submit my credentials, a new Chrome tab opens up with a blank page with the url

I expect that this is supposed to redirect to the app so it can perform the access token request. from the access token url, but nothing is happening. Is this not the right callback uri?

Best Answer

You have change your permission type. Use Client Credentials instead of Authorization