Google-maps – Google maps api v3 calculate mileage by state

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I'm searching for a way to calculate mileage by US State based on an origin, waypoints and destination of a route using Google Maps API v3.

I have tried using Googles Distance Matrix API but this it is calculating the distance between 2 points, which is good, but I need the break down for miles traveled for each State. For taxes purposes (IFTA reports for transportation).

I've done a lot of googling and looked through the documentation but I'm not seeing anything that calculate the mileage per State.

I know how to use Google maps and I know this is possible since I saw it on one video. There is no code I can show because I have no idea how to do it. Any thoughts?

Useful links I have found:

How to Draw Routes and Calculate Route Time and Distance on the Fly Using Google Map API V3

How to Build a Distance Finder with Google Maps API

Best Answer

Below is a fully functional implementation that uses the Google Maps Javascript API. All you need to add is your own Maps API Key. As noted in the posts referenced above, Google Maps throttles requests at an asymptotic rate, and thus, the longer the route, the longer it will take to calculate. To give a ballpark, a route from New Haven CT to the NJ/PA border takes approximately 5 minutes. A trip from New Haven CT to Los Angeles takes 45 minutes to index. One other note: There are a few state borders that run through bodies of water. Google considers these to be not located in any state, and so reports undefined as the state name. These sections are obviously only a few tenths of a mile in most cases, but I felt I should mention it just to clarify what is going on when that happens.


<script src=""></script>

<script src="<YOUR-KEY-HERE>"></script>
<div id="map" style="height:400px"></div>
<div id="status"></div>
<div id="results" style="height:400px"><b>Results:</b></div>


var directionsRequest = {
  origin: "New York, NY", //default
  destination: "Los Angeles, LA", //default
  optimizeWaypoints: true,
  provideRouteAlternatives: false,
  travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING,
  drivingOptions: {
    departureTime: new Date(),
    trafficModel: google.maps.TrafficModel.PESSIMISTIC

directionsRequest.origin = prompt("Enter your starting address");
directionsRequest.destination = prompt("Enter your destination address");
var starttime = new Date();

var geocoder  = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var startState;
var currentState;
var routeData;
var index = 0;
var stateChangeSteps = [];
var borderLatLngs = {};
var startLatLng;
var endLatLng;

directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
directionsService.route(directionsRequest, init);

function init(data){
    routeData = data;
    startLatLng = data.routes[0].legs[0].start_location;
    endLatLng = data.routes[0].legs[0].end_location;
    geocoder.geocode({location:data.routes[0].legs[0].start_location}, assignInitialState)


function assignInitialState(data){
    startState = getState(data);
    currentState = startState;

function getState(data){
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if (data[i].types[0] === "administrative_area_level_1") {
            var state = data[i].address_components[0].short_name;
    return state;

function compileStates(data, this_index){
    if(typeof(this_index) == "undefined"){
        index = 1;
        geocoder.geocode({location:data.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].start_location}, compileStatesReceiver);
        if(index >= data.routes[0].legs[0].steps.length){
            index = 0;
                geocoder.geocode({location:data.routes[0].legs[0].steps[index].start_location}, compileStatesReceiver);
                $("#status").html("Indexing Step "+index+"...  ("+data.routes[0].legs[0].steps.length+" Steps Total)");
            }, 3000)


function compileStatesReceiver(response){
      state = getState(response);
      if(state != currentState){
            currentState = state;
      compileStates(routeData, index);


var stepIndex = 0;
var stepStates = [];
var binaryCurrentState = "";
var stepNextState;
var stepEndState;
var step;

var myLatLng = {lat:39.8282, lng:-98.5795};
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    zoom: 4,
    center: myLatLng

function displayRoute() {
  directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();

var orderedLatLngs = [];
function startBinarySearch(iterating){
    if(stepIndex >= stateChangeSteps.length){
        for(step in borderLatLngs){
            for(state in borderLatLngs[step]){
                for(statename in borderLatLngs[step][state]){
                   $("#results").append("<br>Cross into "+statename+" at "+JSON.stringify(borderLatLngs[step][state][statename], null, 4));
                   orderedLatLngs.push([borderLatLngs[step][state][statename], statename]); 

    step = routeData.routes[0].legs[0].steps[stateChangeSteps[stepIndex]];
    console.log("Looking at step "+stateChangeSteps[stepIndex]);
    borderLatLngs[stepIndex] = {};
        binaryCurrentState = startState;
            if(data === null){
                setTimeout(function(){startBinarySearch(true);}, 6000);
                stepNextState = getState(data);
                stepEndState = stepNextState;

var minIndex;
var maxIndex;
var currentIndex;
function binaryStage2(init){
    if (typeof(init) != "undefined"){   
        minIndex = 0;
        maxIndex  = step.path.length - 1;    
        var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: borderLatLngs[stepIndex][maxIndex][stepNextState],
            map: map,
        if(stepNextState != stepEndState){
            minIndex = maxIndex;
            maxIndex = step.path.length - 1;
            binaryCurrentState = stepNextState;
            stepNextState = stepEndState;

            binaryCurrentState = stepNextState;
    console.log("Index starts: "+minIndex+" "+maxIndex);
    console.log("current state is "+binaryCurrentState);
    console.log("next state is "+ stepNextState);
    console.log("end state is "+ stepEndState);

    currentIndex = Math.floor((minIndex+maxIndex)/2);
                geocoder.geocode({location:step.path[currentIndex]}, binaryStage2Reciever);
                $("#status").html("Searching for division between "+binaryCurrentState+" and "+stepNextState+" between indexes "+minIndex+" and "+maxIndex+"...") 
            }, 3000);


function binaryStage2Reciever(response){
    if(response === null){
        setTimeout(binaryStage2, 6000);
        state = getState(response)
        if(state == binaryCurrentState){
            minIndex = currentIndex +1; 
            maxIndex = currentIndex - 1
            if(state != stepNextState){
                stepNextState = state;

var currentStartPoint;
var compileMilesIndex = 0;
var stateMiles = {};
var trueState;
function compileMiles(init){
        if(typeof(init)!= "undefined"){
            currentStartPoint = startLatLng;
            trueState = startState;    
        if(compileMilesIndex == orderedLatLngs.length){
            directionsRequest.destination = endLatLng;
            directionsRequest.destination = orderedLatLngs[compileMilesIndex][0];
        directionsRequest.origin = currentStartPoint;
        currentStartPoint = directionsRequest.destination;
        directionsService.route(directionsRequest, compileMilesReciever)


function compileMilesReciever(data){
        setTimeout(compileMiles, 6000);
        if(compileMilesIndex == orderedLatLngs.length){
            $("#results").append("<br><br><b>Distances Traveled</b>");
            for(state in stateMiles){
                $("#results").append("<br>"+state+": "+stateMiles[state]);
            var endtime = new Date();
            totaltime = endtime - starttime;
            $("#results").append("<br><br>Operation took "+Math.floor(totaltime/60000)+" minute(s) and "+(totaltime%60000)/1000+" second(s) to run.");
        trueState = orderedLatLngs[compileMilesIndex][1];
        setTimeout(compileMiles, 3000);


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