Google OAuth token exchange returns invalid_code


I have been implementing the Google web server OAuth flow, but when I attempted to exchange the authorization code with access token, it always complains "invalid_code".

Here is the issue:

Step 1:

Redirect one of our pages to ''

Step 2:

The redirection happens and google would redirect to our url

Step 3:

curl -X POST –data "code=somecode&client_id=some_client_id&some_client_secret=some_client_secret&redirect_uri=" -v –trace-ascii /dev/stout

The response comes back:

HTTP 400 Bad request

"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Invalid code."

Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks!

Best Answer

The life span of authorization code is only 10 mins,and can only be used one time. So do these checks:

  1. Do you use it 10 min later? If so, use it in 10 mins.
  2. Have you used it before? If so, obtain a new one and then use it.
  3. Is you server time in sync with Google OAuth server's? If not, change your time.
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