Grails mapping sort on multiple fields :: Groovy sort on multiple map entries


Stumped on this one. In Grails it seems one cannot define a default sort on multiple columns in domain mapping a la static mapping = { sort 'prop1 desc, prop2 asc' }, or { sort([prop1:'desc', prop2:'asc']) }. Only first column gets sorted, lame.

Similarly, when trying to Groovy sort a Grails findAllBy query on multiple columns, the second sort overrides the first.

def list = [[rowNum:2,position:3],[rowNum:1,position:2],[rowNum:3,position:1]]


Obviously missing the boat on the latter case, the groovy sort. I have seen postings re: implementing comparable, but looking for something more concise if possible.

Best Answer

Here is a Groovy solution. Still essentially implementing a Comparator though.

list.sort { map1, map2 -> map1.rowNum <=> map2.rowNum ?: map1.position <=> map2.position }