GSM CMS Error 512 when sending SMS


I'm programming an app to send SMS through a GSM modem with the serial port. I've been able to send SMS for a couple of days using the MessagingToolkit library but suddennly I'm not being able to send SMS anymore.

According to the logs this is due to a Network error. I found out that the "standard" error that I'm facing is:
CMS ERROR: 512 User abort

I found a list of error codes here but I can't find any further explanation on the error.

Does anyone that's familiar with GSM knows what's this error about?

When I'm initializing the modem I also get this error message from the starting configurations, it might be related to the 512 error:
2011.04.11-09.23.16: Sending: AT+COPS=0,2
2011.04.11-09.23.17: Error in command AT+COPS=0,2 : ERROR


Best Answer

Have you verified that you are registered with your operator properly? You can do this by sending a AT+CREG?

Regarding the AT+COPS error message. It seems like you aren't sending enough parameters.


Are you trying to manually select an operator rather than letting the modem take the default operator setup with the SIM card?

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