Hadoop -libjars and ClassNotFoundException


please help, I'm stuck.
Here is my code to run job.

hadoop jar mrjob.jar ru.package.Main -files hdfs:// -libjars hdfs://,hdfs://,hdfs:// /MyCatalog/http_requests.seq-r-00000 /MyCatalog/output/result_file

I do get these WARNs:

12/10/26 18:35:50 WARN util.GenericOptionsParser: The libjars file hdfs:// is not on the local filesystem. Ignoring.
12/10/26 18:35:50 WARN util.GenericOptionsParser: The libjars file hdfs:// is not on the local filesystem. Ignoring.
12/10/26 18:35:50 WARN util.GenericOptionsParser: The libjars file hdfs:// is not on the local filesystem. Ignoring.

Then: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
on line in Main class where I try to instantiate class from jar named my-utils.jar

  1. All these jars are in hfds (I see them through file browser)
  2. my-utils.jar does contain class which is a reason for NoClassDefFoundError

What do I do wrong?

I'm inspecting sourcecode of GenericOptionsParser:

   * If libjars are set in the conf, parse the libjars.
   * @param conf
   * @return libjar urls
   * @throws IOException
  public static URL[] getLibJars(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    String jars = conf.get("tmpjars");
    if(jars==null) {
      return null;
    String[] files = jars.split(",");
    List<URL> cp = new ArrayList<URL>();
    for (String file : files) {
      Path tmp = new Path(file);
      if (tmp.getFileSystem(conf).equals(FileSystem.getLocal(conf))) {
      } else {
        LOG.warn("The libjars file " + tmp + " is not on the local " +
          "filesystem. Ignoring.");
    return cp.toArray(new URL[0]);

1. no spaces between comma
2. still don't get it… I've tried to point to: local file system, hdfs file system, result is the same. Seems like class is not added…

Best Answer

Problem is solved. correct invocation is:

hadoop jar my-job.jar ru.package.Main -files /home/cloudera/uploaded_jars/metadata.csv -libjars /home/cloudera/uploaded_jars/opencsv.jar,/home/cloudera/uploaded_jars/gson.jar,/home/cloudera/uploaded_jars/url-raiting-utils.jar /MyCatalog/http_requests.seq-r-00000 /MyCatalog/output/scoring_result



is hdfs path,


is local fs path The problem was in job jar. Previously I did try to run job using simple jar with only three classes: Mapper, Reducer, Main class. Now I did provide other one generated by maven (it generates two of them) The second job jar contains all dependency libs. in side it. Structure looks like: my-job.jar


--aopalliance-1.0.jar asm-3.2.jar avro-1.5.4.jar ... commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar ... zookeeper-3.4.3-cdh4.0.0.jar

There are 76 jars inside lib folder.

It works but I don't understand why.

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